
Pinterest Gone Wrong..or Right?!

Thursdays are my easy days as I only have one class from 9-11. All this week I have had the urge to bake! So, I decided today was gonna be a good day to bake. I was on Pinterest, looking for something delicious to bake a came across these brownies! The bottom in cookie dough, middle layer of Oreos topped with brownies. How good does that sound, and pretty easy! That is what I thought.

I get the required ingredient and head home excited to bake these delicious (or what I think is delicious) brownies. Now, as a slight pretext to my story, the lady I live with is not much a baker, well she’s not at all. So, I Just hoped she would have the basic things I might need. The recipe told me to line my 8×8 pan with parchment paper. I had no parchment paper, but google told me I could use aluminum foil, I greased it with a bit of butter just to be safe. I get out my cough dough (I cheated and used Pillsbury) and line the bottom of my pan. Next, came the Oreos which fit perfectly. Finally came the brownie mix. I bought a box brownies, because I thought one, it would be easy, and two, you probably won’t taste the box taste (well you for sure won’t now!) So, following the directions, I add the required water and the egg, the came the oil. Now at home, we would use different kinds of oil, not just your typical vegetable oil, so I thought olive oil..why not? Well, I poured it in, and I thought “Wow, this smells funny.” I gave it a little taste test, and sure enough, not your typical chocolaty taste, but I went away with it anyway. The recipe told me to bake them for 30 minutes at 350, well they cooked for at least 45 minutes, I eventually stopped keeping track. The pictures on the website shows a nice smooth top to the brownies, well you could say that mine is rather “lumpy” and has sunk.

Although they are still slightly warm, we dove into them. My initial thoughts – Delicious! I will have to try them tomorrow to see what they taste like once are fully cool, but over all, they are good. The Olive oil doesn’t seem to make a difference, but I did put chocolate icing to help cover that up just in case!

I will have no career in making sweets for a living, but I love making them! There will be more Pinterest sweets to come, hopefully slightly more successful!

Not my pictures, but mine look somewhat similar!

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